Monday, November 5, 2007

Before we get the ball rolling.........

and sink teeth into some juicy backsides, let's be clear what this blog isn't.

Despite the title, this is not a club for satan worshippers. Visit AIPAC's website if you want to learn about black magic and human sacrifice.

Nor is it a pretentious scholarly forum. Yes, I may quote from a book here and there or even attempt a book review and I welcome serious debate but if you are the sort of person who loves to squabble over the interpretation of this or that paragraph of Das Kapital or gets a kick from over-analysing footnotes in some stale American political biography then you have come to the wrong blog.

And I have a message for anyone who finds my postings moody, lop-sided, and irrational: that's the sort of guy that I am. Get used to it.

Finally, I want to have some fun with this blog. It's not just about attacking warmongers and their sycophants but sharing thoughts on topics which haven't been totally corrupted by politics. And even cracking a joke from time to time.